Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Review of Kawawa

E15 - 4700 Kingsway (Metrotown)




Kawawa Ramen

The Low-Down


I consistently say that ramen isn't all that great of a meal. Funny thing is, I consistently go try ramen restaurants when enough time has past for me to forget the last experience. Well, here I am again at a ramen shop. And once again, it's pretty average. I thought I would go for one of the specially named items on the menu. I thought, "It might just surprise me". Nope. Wrong again. This is pretty average. If you're craving ramen and just finished shopping, this might be a place you want to hit up, but I definitely wouldn't purposely come here.

Kawawa Ramen

SIDE NOTE: I recently came back from Japan, and the ramen there is SUPERB! I still crave the ramen in Japan. I was going to give this a disappointing rating after the experience in Japan, but I thought I should compare it to Vancouver standards. So average it is.

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